Resto Tech Hotels Covid 19 Safety Measures

Covid 19 Virus

Covid 19 Safety Measures

At Resto Tech Hotels, the safety of our guests is the top priority. The new guidelines for hotel cleanliness entitled “CLEAN & SAFE STAY” ensure the safety and security of our guests and employees. With these guidelines in place, our group hotels welcome you with a clean and safe environment, as “the new normal”.

Covid 19 Safety Measures

Increased Level of Cleanliness / Hygiene

Public spaces (e.g. lobby, front desk, elevators, escalators, bathrooms, hallways), which are high-touch points, are frequently and regularly cleaned and disinfected .

Hand Sanitizer Station

Disinfection kits are stationed in public areas, in front of elevators, in front of banquet halls and at the entrance to other facilities to allow our guests to easily sanitize their hands.

Protective Barriers

Staff are required to wear face mask/face shields and depending on the situation, staff will wear plastic gloves to ensure the health and safety of guests and employees. Clear protective barriers are placed in between guests and staff at the front desk to prevent droplet infection.

Social Distancing

Staff are expected to ensure safety by reminding guests to respect social distancing, particularly when waiting in line at the front desk or at restaurants. The number of people allowed in closed spaces (i.e., elevators, smoking rooms) is reduced to enable safe distancing practices.

Ensuring adequate Air Circulation

SPublic spaces, restaurants, guest rooms, etc. are frequently ventilated.

Preventing contact infection

Room keys, guest amenities, and other items are disinfected before being handed to guests.

Appropriate checks for guests

All guests are asked to complete health check forms and undergo a temperature check upon entering the hotel. We ask for your kind cooperation to ensure the safety of all guests and staff.

Cleanliness / hygiene (Rooms)

For all guest rooms, the furniture, doors and door knobs, windows, bathroom, lighting switches and any high-touch points are cleaned and sanitized regularly.

Room Item cleanliness / hygiene

Use of disinfectants for sanitization of high-touch points is thoroughly implemented. (TV remote control, telephone, tablet, hairdryer, hangers, etc.)

Management (Restaurants / Bars)

To maintain social distancing, guests are seated apart at a certain distance. Buffet-style dining is replaced with a new dining style to increase hygiene safety.

Higher food safety standards

All kitchen staff follow strict food preparation and cooking hygiene standards and wear masks, gloves and hats to enhance food safety.

Room service (Food)

All equipment used for room service is frequently sanitized. Food and drinks are served with a cover or lid. Also, to reduce close contact, food will be delivered outside the guest room.

Health check (Staff)

Before entering the hotel, all staff are required to check their temperature and undergo a health check. Staff must wear masks while serving and are required to wash and sanitize hands as well as gargle regularly. Staff rooms and the back of the house are regularly cleaned and sanitized. Staff are required to maintain social distancing to avoid close contact.

Ongoing training (Staff)

In order to welcome guests safely, staff receive training for infection controls and enhanced awareness to always be up-to-date on the latest cleanliness and hygiene measures.

how to prevent virus

Wash Your Face

wash your place

Maintain Distance

maintain distance

Don't Touch Face

don't touch face

Wash Your Hand

wash your hand

Use Napking

use napkin

Wear A Maks

wear a mask

Team 210966 | Participants - Pranav & Abhinav | © 2021 all rights reserved